About Common Threads
Common Threads is mailed free to every Harrisville resident and to nonresident property owners of improved properties who wish to receive it. If you are not a resident or property owner and wish to subscribe, please send $15 per year to our P.O. Box 164 or donate with a note here. Past issues may be requested, while they last, for $5.00 each.
Common Threads is published bimonthly (Feb., Apr., June, Aug., Oct., Dec.). We invite the community to participate with news, interesting stories, poems, art, or photos of Harrisville. This newsletter is supported by advertisers and by your generous donations. Thank you very much!
Write For Us
Common Threads welcomes contributions about Harrisville and its people, including articles, poetry, and photographs. Contributions are reviewed for appropriateness for our readers and edited for spelling and font. Photographs should be of high resolution, so they will reproduce well. Article length is determined by subject matter and available space, but 200 – 500 words is most common. Deadlines are always the 20th of the preceding month of issue. For example, the deadline for an April/May issue is March 20. For the Dec/Jan issue, the deadline is November 20. Email the editor, Deborah Abbott, if you have questions or an idea that you wish to share.
Our Team
Managing Editor: Deborah Abbott
Copy Editor: Lida Stinchfield
Production: Lindy Palmisano
Circulation & Mailing: Charlotte Chamberlain
Treasurer: Deborah Abbott
Printing: Silver Direct, Inc., Keene, NH
Writers: Rebecca Upjohn Snyder and Sherry Sims